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Monday, December 26, 2011


How was everybody's christmas??? I know mine was great! I got a new cockatiel for christmas, his name is Rio.
We spant christmas day at my grandparents house up in kadina. We slept the night and had lunch with my cousins the next day. I happened to steal a copy of 4 ingredients 2 from my grandmother and I have decided to cook my way through this cookbook just like Julie Powell did when she cooked her way through Mastering The Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. The first chapter is based on breakfast recipies, and I've thought, what better time to cook breakfast, then at dinner time? I'll let you guys know how it goes!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas 3 days away!

That's right guys! only 3 days left! I am one of those people who loves christmas, the food, the family and friends, the presents! But there is only 1 think I hate about christmas, and that's when I can't get to sleep till about 3:00am because i'm so excited! Has this ever happened to you? If so, I feel your pain.
I am 13, and I have been told before that santa dosen't exist, but I'm just one of those big kids who still belives in all this crap. There hasn't been a year when I didn't get what I wanted. (except when was about 3 and i asked for a pony) This year, I'm going to get another cockatiel. I already have one cockatiel, Louie. What a cutie. He's loud and annoying at times.... ok, all the time, but I love him!
How about you guys? Are you looking forward to christmas?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's Almost Over

1 more week of primary school left for me! Finally, I'm going to be a highschool student next year. I am so stoked! next week, we're gonna be going on excursions, and having fun the whole time, so that's pretty cool.
We get to go to the semaphore waterslide, and marion bowling center, and we're having a christmas party on Wednesday. I've been organising a secret santa, so it would be pretty cool if all goes to plan. It's gonna be pretty hectic.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Getting Busy

Things in my life are taking a turn for the worse. I had a boyfriend for less than 12 hours, but I'm totally over him. I had a busy day wat work today which I fear I may have totally screwed up. I spilt coffee all over the big book of important stuff while making hotdogs, and when I put the donuts in the microwaave to defrost after they were in the freezer, I accidentely put them in for 10 minuites instead of 1 minuite, so the icing all melted and the microwave became all sticky with chocolate and sprinkles. It's just not my day. I had a friend's party though, so that went pretty well, but now I'm at home, just being bored. I need someone to come and rescue me. Not from my family, they're cool, I mean from boredom.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Not much to say

As you may have already guessed due to the name of this post, there isn't much going on in my life. If only I were older, I wanna go skydiving or bungee jumping, all of that fun stuff! alass, I am too young. So instead I sit at home just waiting for time to go faster and hoping that I become a grown up young woman some day.
On a higher note, I recently realised that I am not as useless as I thought! Turns out, I'm sorta good at some kinds of sports! I realised this when I joined the school rowing eam and found out that I can do that, and then there was the time that I found out that I was a good hockey goalie when I stopped my first puck from going into the net during a P.E. class. Since then, pople haven't been teasing me as much as they used to! I may even get a boyfriend some day! Long story short, I think that I have totally underestimated myself.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

Well, things in my life have gone from bad to worse. I guess one of the advatages of not having anybody actually read my blog is that I can talk about anything. (this really is more of a private diary than a blog) I feel really selfish though, when I'm going on about my problems while there's starving kids and adults out there with no home, and family or friends in hospital. Oh, I just ade myself sad. Well, never the less, I am still a child, which means I should be doing stuff that children do like riding my bike (if I had one which worked) or kicking the footy with my dad, but that's just not happening at the moment because I'm being a lazy ass of facebook and other boring tasks. Long story short, this is a really depressing post.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

On the Road Again

I've gotta say, today has been one of the most bring days in the history of my life. It was even worse than waiting for 6 hours in the city to watch the fireworks show just to get front row seats! and I was 7 years old last time I ant there!
My mumas having this candle party. Don't ask, so I decided to hang wit my dad and my little brother for three hours. We were supposed to do something fun like go bowling, instead we drove around for ages trying to get to he brickwork markets. All we did there was walk around until we realised that all of the fun stuff had gone since woolies was trying to kick the markets out.
Then we wnt to my little bros school to kick the footy and honestly, on a weekend school is the only place on earth where I don't wanna be. Oh well. Now I'm home, sitting on my bed trying to convice my dad to drive me down to the video store to rent some movies. And that's the whole story. ell, the whole story for now. Eggs on toast for dinner.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm Back!

Ok.. I know I haven't been posting for a while, I just forget sometimes. Alot of things have been going on. For one, I'm oficially on my schools rowing team. I'm not racing yet, but I'm getting pretty good! Also, I may be getting my first job working at a canteen at a local basketball cort. It's pretty cool.
Well today is the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year. well actuallu, the 2011th year, but close enough. I hope everybody has made a wish!
Another thing I realised today while I was playing hide and seek with my friends today is the fact that christmas is coming soon! And I'm going to be completly honest as say that I have 100% no idea what I want. So that's pretty akward. And that's the news, well... that's the news for now.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Shine, Shine, Shine

The title of this post comes from the song which I (and a few of my friends) will be singing the solo in this years Ocean View College music extravaganza! Sounds pretty specky dont you think? The song Shine, Shine, Shine was a song in the festival of music 2008.. I'm pretty sure. For those of you who don't know what the festival of music is, it is a chior where kids from different schools, all over the country come together for 12 concerts in the most amazing kids chior ever! Unfortunetly, this is the last year I'll be able to do it because i'm in year 7 this year, and you can only participate in the concert when you are in years 5, 6 and 7. I did do the chior when I was in year 5. Some of the songs I can still remember. Each and every year the chior has a different theme. Tis year was on fairy tales. The songs were truly magical. But in year 5 we focused on a man named John McDouhl Stewart. I'm pretty sure that's how you spell his name. Anyway, for those of you who don't know who he was, he was the man who came to Australia and put up the first telegraph poles from South Australia, all the way up to the tippy top of This amazing continent. When he was a kid he was only 5 foot 3. by the time he was a bloke, he wasn't any taller than 5 foot 6. He was pretty short. There was a whole song based on how he quit his first job to go to sea and find Australia. And that's the truth.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Well.... What now?

I think i'm a little depressed. I believe I have fallen in love with someone I might never meet. Dosen't that sound wonderful... Sorry, I had to tell someone... well, I guess that depends on weather anybody is reading. No? ok.
I just found out at school that we are going to our local over 50's club. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in my whole class who's never been there before. We have to make those wierd, fancy hats like the ones that the ladys wear at the Melbourne Cup. Our teacher made one this morning and she decided to make me the model..... fun.
Oh, 1 more thing, I recently found out that I'm not as useless at sports as I thought. I recently got onto the school rowing team AND I am the best female hockey goalie my age in P.E. (physical education). So that makes me feel pretty good, Especially since the guy who I have a crush on thinks so too... Ok. Too much info. Ugh! I hate it when I have to keep braging on about myself! Don't forget to Pleeeeeeeeease send in some good topics in the comments!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Just Say It.

Well I guess that what I'm Trying To Do With My Spare Time.com Isn't exactly the most exciting blog on the internet. I can tell because I guess thet no one it really reading it. But If there is someone out there reading this, Please, tell me whet you think could be done to improve this site.
Anything goes. I need help here! I'm not writing this blog for nothing. I'm writing because I want to share my thoughts with the world. I personally think that this can do with some improvement. If you don't, I thank you for your kindness. But sometimes I do think I'm the most boring person in the world.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hey peeps. I know I haven't been on for a while and I really have no idea why. Well, week 1 of school is over. Man it's gone fast. Only 8 more weeks to go. That's right, we only have nine weeks this term. It's because we had 11 weeks in term 1. I have no idea why.
Well I feel like I'm stepping into another form of torture, mainly because my sister's having her birthday party tomorrow at the beach. She always gets the best presents. I don't know if it's the fact that she's older or that everybody just likes her better than me. She got blonde streaks, a belly button percing and heaps of cool gifts.
And it's way worse when I have no one to hang out with tomorrow because everyone's busy. I'm gonna be such a loner.. oh well

Monday, October 17, 2011

Back again

Well, today was the last, first day of term 4 as a primary school kid. Confusing right? But it's true, I'm going to a high school student next year and I am so stoked! I mean, I thought it was cool being a teenager, but it all happens when you actually get into highschool.
Anyway, apart from last lesson when the whole class did nothing but run around throwing balls at each other, today was pretty boring. I can't wait until I get to do wood work and drama next year. It'll be even better when I'm in year 9 and I'll be able to choose my own subjects.
And what's even better is the fact that I'll finally be getting my braces off by next year. These things feel like they're designed to rip my teeth apart instead of moving them. I have a horribly painful toothache as I type this message. Oh well. I guess it's all for the best.....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A New Look

Hey world!... or whoever is reading.... Let me just say, I love my Next door neighbor. She gave my sister a surprise birthday present by going to a salon with her, and because she's just so amazing, she took me with her to get a pedicure and my hair styled. I mean.... It was originally for my sister, but becausse she's so nice, she took into consideration that I could feel left out. And I believe that it's those kind of people who make the world go round.
Just take a moment to think about it. We all know people like that. The kind, honest, totally amazing kind of people. Do you know anybody like that?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


There's only 2 more days of school holidays left until term 4 starts and then it's the end of the year. I can't wait till next year, I'm finally going to be a year 8. For all of those year 6's out there, I'm going to say this, Year 7 sucks. not because it's hard, but because it's just so boring! The worst part about it, it the fact that you can see the year 8's and they get to do all of the fun stuff like home ec., Metal work, drama and all of the other fun subjects, while year 7's do boring theory. I hate it..... oh well.
In other news, today is the last day at my grandparents house. And let me say this, I have the best grandparents in the world. They do so much for us. so I jus want to say, I love my grandparents.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Peace, People and Pasties!

A wonderful day has put me in the best mood. Even my little brother has been nice to me. Started the day off with perfect weather and plum jam on toast. I love plum jam.
During the day I had about a 2 hour game of monopoly with my grandparents and my brother before he wiped us all off the board with his hotels. You can't help but love these kind of days.
I did spend half my time trying to make a dream catcher using some string, some feathers, a metal ring and some instructions that were impossible to follow. It probably took me more than 3 hours but eventually, I nailed it.
now when I get home I can hang it above my bed and have sweet dreams.
I wish everybody sweet dreams too!
Finally, My grandmother and I made pasties for Tea. They were amazing! I love food like that, but it tastes best when it's made with love, and everybody knows that anything tastes better when it's made with love!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Special Guys

No. I do not have a boyfriend. That's not what this post is about so for those who thought that it is about all of that stuff, I'm sorry to dissapoint you.
Now ladies, we all have special men in out lives. Wether it's our brothers, husbands, fathers or just guy friends, we wonder what we would do without them.
Some guys at my age can be (this is a word that my mum says I can't say on my blog. :/) but others can be real sweethearts. I have a little brother. and while sometimes I feel like I want him out of my life, I couldin't imagine life without him.
And my father. He can get really crazy sometimes, but I love him to the moon and back. we all feel that way about each other, just like guys are always thinking about those special girls who they cant live without.
Don't get me wrong, I do have crushes, but I have more guy friends than girl friends.
So thankyou to the guys. each and every one of you is loved by someone.

This post is dedicated to my darling little brother. I love you so much.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Spending time with family

Well, I'm up in kadina for the week with my little brother and my grandparents. I usually come up here for a week during the school holidays. I enjoy cooking with my grandmother and helping my grandfather with his birds. He breeds finches, I Guess that's where I get the idea that I'm from my dad's side of the family. (I breed budgies) I'm alot like my grandparents. I always love seeing them whenever I can. They're wonderful people, and I hope to be like them when I am older.

It really makes you realise how lost we would be without our family. (No offence intended for those without a family) What do you guys think?........

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mastering The Art Of Being Myself

I'm starting to think that I watch too many movies. I'm watching a movie right now as I type this post. Julie & Julia is a great movie. I hadn't heard of Julia Child until I randomly picked up this DVD from a shelf in our local video store. Personally, I love cooking. I want to go on a cooking show but I'm too old to be on Junior Master Chef and I'm too young to be on Ready Steady Cook.

If you have ever seen the movie Julie & Julia, you would be a big food lover too. I would absolutely love to do something like what Julie Powell did. Imagine, cooking your way through a whole cookbook over a whole year....... It really gives you something to think about.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A New Day

Well, It's day 4 today and I feel fantastic! I have no idea why, but I'm just in a really good mood. It must have something to do with the fact that I'm watching Jackass.... Oh well.

I was over at my grandmother's house today. She's so sweet. I can't imagine life without her. It really makes you think about how much you need your friends and family... Are you listening?... whoever you are?

It's just that, when you stop and look at people who don't have a famly, and all of the great stuff that we have. Infact, let's have a moment of silence for those people................................................
Jeez this stuff makes me feel guilty..... What about you guys?

Monday, October 3, 2011

What's up World!

That's the 1 thing that I want to know. What's going on around the world? I would like my readers (if I have any of those) to send in news from where they're from. And it dosen't have to be serious, world wide news, I want it to be small news like what's going on in your life?

I'm getting bored talking about myself. (even though this is only my 3rd post) I love hearing from people!

I can't wait to hear from you guys!

Stepping Into Spring

Well October is well and truly here and spring is warming up. I have no idea why people call it the scariest month of the year. It's either because of halloween, or my sister's birthday. Well, either way It's still pretty cool.

Another great thing about October is the school holidays. Nothing but being lazy, watching t.v. and getting fat. Makes you realise how much you really do like school...... Fun.
This time, I'm gonna write a story, or paint a picture. I've had a fantasy since I was about 5 years old that I would one day paint some kind of what I think is a disaster, which ends up making me a billion dollars or so.

I guess we all wish for something like that.....

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 1 2/10/2011

Today is day 1 of my new blog, What I'm Trying To Do With My Spare Time. Granted, I'm only 13, but I can assure you people, I am very mature for my age....... Ok, maybe not, but I do enjoy writing. I hope that this blog will help me in the future. I think I'm the only one in my whole school who wants to be a journalist. Maybe that will get me known.

I do want to get seen. I know it sounds cocky saying that, but it's true. I'd go on the Amazing Race if I had to.

Is anybody reading me....? Whoever you are out there?